Whether you’re hosting a Christmas party or just looking for a few fun activities to get the family laughing, party games are a great solution. From classic party games like Heads Up! to modern options like Sticker Stalker, gather friends and family, break out the games and get ready for some holiday fun! 

Saran Wrap Game 

You’ll need plastic wrap and some small goodies. Pick one goodie to place at the centre of your saran wrap ball and wrap it thoroughly while adding more goodies between each layer. Give one person the wrapped bundle and the person next to them a pair of dice. The person unravelling must unravel as much wrap as possible and gets to keep any goodies that fall out before a double is rolled.  

Pro Tip: for a challenging game, make people unravelling wear oven mitts. 

Heads Up! 

Download the Heads Up! app onto your phone from any app store. Once downloaded, each person takes turns holding the phone to their forehead, facing out. It’s everyone else’s job to describe what appears on the screen while the person with the phone guesses. You only have one minute to make as many correct guesses as possible before the phone moves to the next person. 

Sticker Stalker 

Everyone should get a sheet of at least five to ten stickers that are different from each other and can be mapped back to each individual. Throughout your event or party, while everyone mingles, each person must get rid of all their stickers by discretely placing them on other guests; the first to use all their stickers wins! Anyone caught stickering someone must accept a sticker from the person who busted them. Scream “I’M DONE” if you finish all your stickers first! 

Camera Hot Potato 

Pick a phone and set the timer to 30 seconds. Set the camera to regular photo mode and not a selfie. You now have 30 seconds to pass the phone around the circle, with each person attempting to take a photo of themselves before hurriedly passing the phone on. Pass until the timer runs out, and whoever the timer runs out on is out!  

Pro Tip: you should definitely look back on all the photos for a few laughs. 

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